Searching Craigslist for VW Bus stuff, you never know what you will find. Sometimes you'll land a bargain, sometimes you'll see the same bus someone has been trying to off-load for $30k for the last year... good luck with all of that.
But occasionally, you find interesting posts that are outside the norm. The Special Lady Friend found a couple and sent them this way... as you should too when you find cool stuff.
The first cool Craigslist entry is for someone looking to rent a VW Bus to drive with their 12 year-old son from the DFW area in Texas to California to see a Paul McCartney concert. Sounds both really cool and frightening at the same time. I don't know of anyone who rents VW Buses, but if you do, please contact them or me... I'd love to know about them. I hope this adventure they want to take is inspired by the parent's love of the Beetles, a since of crazy adventure, or something else happy and not, well.. you know, something tragic that is about to happen and they want to have a really awesome memory.
Okay, I've wiped that odd substance that leaked from my eye and am ready to move to the next Craigslist find... some looking for their long-lost love... a 1977 VW Bus that they sold because they needed the dough and now, as we all do, really freakin' regret it! If you can help the guy out, please do. According to his post it "was black, with white and gray speckles, trim painted white, had
sticker of zig zag man on back and slogan "farfromnewdude" mocking the
Fahrvergnugen slogan of the time." He sold it to a guy in Garland 10 years ago.
I think this guy in Houston should read the previous link before he sells his 1977 VW Bus because he needs the dough. Sure, sometimes you really, really need the money, but you will regret it, son. How do I know? Because we all regret it once we've done it. You can always earn more money, but you can't always go get another bus.
But then there are some people who just throw caution to the wind and buy a VW Bus when they really shouldn't. Like this guy in Orange County, California who bought a VW Bus, but needs a place to park it and someone to help him tow it there. Poor guy thinks that it won't sit long since he can fix it up in a weekend. I love it... how many people have said that, and 10 years later your friend is asking when you are going to move that stupid van from their driveway... you said a weekend, two tops. You're $12,000 into the "restore," his kids are grown and in college now, and the transmission still doesn't work.
I love VW Buses, and so do you or you wouldn't be here. So follow @ilovevwbuses on Twitter, its the *right* thing to do.
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